Garden Giving
Did you know that the MSU Horticulture Gardens are mostly self-funded? Consider supporting these beautiful gardens to keep them running for many years to come.
Why Give to the Gardens? Watch this video!
Ways to Support the Gardens
- Consider purchasing a garden membership for yourself or a loved one. For more information, visit the Garden Membership Page.
- Purchase a commemorative brick. For more information, visit the Bricks Page.
- Donate directly to one of our many funds below!
Gardens Donor Direct Giving Opportunities:
A11411: General Support of the Horticultural Gardens – your donation will support garden beautification, educational programs, new plantings, structure maintenance, student employment, and many other wonderful activities for the gardening enthusiast to enjoy.
A11441: C.E. Lewis Landscape Arboretum – support a hidden gem on MSU’s campus. Designed as a "Learning Experience in the Making", it acts as an instructional arboretum for students interested in landscape development. The arboretum has numerous informal gardens – MDLA Central Court, Yvonne V. Wilson Native Plant Garden, Hosta Garden, Jane Smith Conifer Garden, Kathleen and Milton Muelder Japanese Garden, The Overlook, Arbor Escape, Sensory Garden, The Lily Pond – as well as permanent collections – Living Sculpture Garden, Dedication Patio, and formal gardens – Topiary Gardens, Water Gardens, Sculpture Gardens, Specialty Gardens, and the Mawby Fruit Garden.
A11405: Friends of the Garden – an opportunity to provide programmatic support for the Horticultural Demonstration Gardens.
A11410: Brian Vidosh Memorial Fund – gives students a start in ornamental horticulture through internships.
A11435: Rose Carlson Endowed Internship Program for the Horticultural Demonstration Gardens and the 4-H Children's Garden – donation supports a hands-on learning internship for a student in the MSU Horticulture Department.
A11449: Norma Guyer Endowed Visiting Educator Program – provides a unique opportunity for educators to work in the Michigan 4-H Children's Garden, and in the Department of Horticulture.
A114093: Master Gardener Idea Garden – donations allow Master Gardener volunteers to create and build a new garden bed design in the Gardens.